Wednesday, July 27, 2011

OBNOX – I’m Bleeding Now

Lamont “Bim” Thomas has contributed to quite a few music projects in the past, including Basshole and, most recently, drumming for the band This Moment in Black History. Now this Cleveland, Ohio native has gone solo under the name Obnox, releasing this seven-track album entitled I’m Bleeding Now.
Pushing the play button and starting the first track “Cum Inside” startled me a bit. The level of distortion made me question if my speakers were blown on my computer. Maybe I got a bad copy? After confirming the intended sound on the iTunes page for the album, I powered through the gnarled guitars and semi-understandable vocals. The mix of warped guitars and driving drumming continue through the first half of the I’m Bleeding Now, at times almost unbearable to listen to. Thank God I didn’t review this album on my MP3 player…hearing this through headphones could be a new tool used at Gitmo on suspected terrorists.

But the distortion works on a few tracks, including “The Cowboy and Cowgirl,” as the harsh guitars are broken up by a guitar solo and catchy yet distorted vocals. The same formula that worked with the previously mentioned song also works with the tune “Daughter.” The album ends on a wild note with the song “Whaddup Young Bleed (Drum Thunder Suite).” With this track we hear Thomas’s skills on the skins as it drives this four-minute and 41-second blast of insanity. Clearly my favorite cut off this album.

On a personal note, I didn’t dig the whole ear torture aspect of over-distortion on this album, as my ears were proclaiming the title of this album by the end. If you dig Bim’s past work or just dig driving noise backed by a strong back-beat, you may want to give this album a spin.

(Smog Veil Records, 1658 N. Milwaukee Ave #284, Chicago, IL 60647)

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